Here in the UK, it’s time again for new class photos to be purchased. I don't buy them all every year, but I make an effort to get the ones that stand out in quality and pose. I've already got a large amount of pictures and photo albums and the kids are still young. I often wonder where and how we'll store all the photos we have in eighteen years' time. With wedding albums, birth, anniversary and graduation pictures, you wonder how one has storage space for anything else.
Even with the introduction of the digital age, there's still nothing that capture the moments as splendidly as Photobooks.
So, on school photo days I make sure the kids’ collars are straightened, their hair brushed neatly, and uniforms in tip top shape.
When I get the proofs back, something is invariably out of place. My youngest has the most flyaway hair that's ever graced the head of a little girl. A feature that’s always very noticeable in our Photobook albums. We’ve decorated our walls and albums with school pictures of the kids, many of which I’m not totally crazy about.
Well, the photos were taken two weeks ago. My son, at 10 years old, is in year 6 which is his last year in Primary school. I suppose this means that I have to buy his school pictures this term. I’ve sent back the proofs with the cheque and await yet another school photograph to add to the wheelbarrow of pictures we carry from place to place when we move house.
Are you one for keeping real pictures in albums like we do, or are you one of the new-age babies who store all your pictures digital-style?
A description of, and excerpts from the memoir 'Sunday's Child'. This is the inspiring, true tale of a little girl struggling to rise above appalling living conditions, poverty, violence and abuse. You'll also find other, more general stuff about books, writing, magazines, blogging and the news.
In a crisis torn, South American country, only little Ann's faith, her determination, and one young woman could help keep her dreams of escape alive.
A true story...
A true story...
Find a synopsis and other details about Sunday’s Child at my confidence blog (linked). Read excerpts here: List of Books on Amazon
I love photo albums. But it's true they do take up a lot of space. I've cut down a lot these last couple of years but sometimes the urge to print out photos is uncontrollable.
I have many albums of the kids, but these last few years, I only have digital images.
I have a mix of both and a box waiting to be put in a scrapbook.
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