
In a crisis torn, South American country, only little Ann's faith, her determination, and one young woman could help keep her dreams of escape alive.

A true story...
Find a synopsis and other details about Sunday’s Child at my confidence blog (linked). Read excerpts here: List of Books on Amazon

Would You Have Christmas in August?

Most people in our world celebrate (or at least experience) hot Christmases; yet because the rich has dominated the globe, it’s the cold Christmases which have been propagated throughout. People in hot climes have Santas dressed up in thick, bulky red and white costumes in sweltering heat. (There is an amusing excerpt about a South American Santa taken from my memoir here).

I never thought it odd as a child, but Christmas cards were covered in snow and robins, neither of which we’d ever seen. Our Christmas carols were filled with messages of snow and log fires, while young children listened as stories about chimneys and Jack Frost were repeated to them annually. I used to think that Jack Frost was Santa's assistant, having never experienced frosty weather at the time.

In  this article Reasons Why Christmas Should be Celebrated in August I discuss some comical reasons why Christmas should be celebrated in the heat instead of in December. These include the following:
1. There would be no expectation of, therefore no disappointment when it doesn’t snow.

2. Santa could enter through the windows we leave open in the summer rather than having to stuff his rather large self down the sooty chimney.

3. We can finally get rid of the awful warm mulled wine people insist on serving (because it’s so cold) and drink some proper cold beer instead.

Let me know if you agree. These are just for fun.

1 comment:

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

I don't mind having Xmas in August! We have snow on the ground and it's cold..


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